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Flamethrowers, cores, bombs, traps, blades, bows, guns, stealth, and even wild animals are a few of the tools that Rogues use to ensure that their targets do not live to see the end of the day. Experts in death and mayhem the Rogues across Telara truly expand what it means to be a Rogue and their roles within groups. Some Rogues don't always choose to kill everything they see, some choose to heal with arrows, tank with dual swords, and even enhance their allies capabilities with inspiring songs in the heat of combat.


Armor - Leather

Weapons - One-handers, Bows, Guns

Primary Stat - Dexterity

Primary Resource - Energy

Secondary Resource - Combo Points

Roles - Tank (one soul), Heals (one soul), Support (one soul), Damage (seven souls)


Specs that might enjoy the Rogue:

Blood Death Knight

Unholy Death Knight

Holy Paladin

Beast Mastery Hunter

Marksmanship Hunter

Survival Hunter

Enhancement Shaman

Brewmaster Monk

Combat Rogue

Assassination Rogue

Subtlety Rogue

Discipline Priest


Riftstalkers are masters of defensive combat. Equipped with a variety of Shadowsteps, Death Grips, and Demonic Circle abilities, Riftstalkers are a highly mobile tank who can ensure that no one can escape their wrath. Riftstalkers dual-wield weapons with defensive properties. They also have a high level of synergy between their abilities granting a bonus to armor, damage reduction, bubble effects, and even healing as they build and expend combo points. Anyone who enjoyed playing a Blood Death Knight, Brewmaster Monk, Combat Rogue, or Subtlety Rogues should take the Riftstalker for a spin.


Master of bow and needle, the Physician is a powerful single target healer that utilizes healing arrows to mend their allies wounds from a distance. Along with being a masterful shot, Physicians have a battle rez, a Holy Beacon ability, and can heal their allies with what would have been a killing blow. Physicians increase their healing effectiveness as they build combo points to unleash powerful finishing abilities, and can even do a bit of burst healing. If you've enjoyed playing a Holy Paladin, Holy Priest, or even a Discipline Priest you might enjoy the Physician. The Physician is only available through the Dream Souls pack on the in-game store.


Rogues, get ready to rock out with your lute out! Master of music so metal that it physically hurts people, the Bard is a support soul who buffs allies and debuffs enemies. While Bards are notorious for stealing your significant other, they'll also increase their allies primary resource regen rate and even heal their wounds for short periods of time. If you saw this image and wanted it to be a reality then your wish has been granted.


Tacticians have one speciality, death. Masters of the elements, Tacticians use flamethrowers (otherwise known as Torrents) to channel the elements of fire, ice, death, and life into enemies and allies alike. Along with the Torrents, the Tactician manages a set of cores and engines, cores acting similar to Shaman totems and engines acting as a buff that modifies how Tactician rays, lasers, and Torrents operate. Due to the nature of the Torrents and Cores, the Tactician has massive cleave capabilities. If you ever enjoyed the combat abilities granted by the engineering profession, you may want to try the Tactician. The Tactician is only available with the Storm Souls pack on the in-game store.


If you ever played a Hunter and wished that Survival was truly about traps and explosives, then you were wishing for the Saboteur. Saboteurs manage a set of charges that can be set to detonate with damage modified by combo points. These charges also have their own unique properties that can cause bleeding, AoE damage, and increased incoming damage. They can also use a variety of bombs to snare, poison, and even debilitate their enemies. Saboteurs are also masters of traps. Similar to Hunter traps, Saboteur's traps can be set down in a location on a map and will wait to be triggered by someone going over it. Said traps can cause AoE damage, snare, stun, and even bleed their victims. They also have a Molotov Cocktail, what more reason do you need to try out this soul? Survival Hunters and even Subtlety Rogues might enjoy this style of killing.



Beast Mastery Hunters, the Ranger is for you. A ranged bow or gun soul, the Ranger uses a set of pets from the wild to pick off their enemies. Unlike the Beastmaster from Azeroth, the Ranger and their pet synergize well together providing unique opportunities to dish out damage. While the Ranger is not the best soul for group content, the Ranger is a powerful soul for solo play styles.

Marksmanship and Survival Hunters who regularly selected the Lone Wolf talent because they enjoyed sniping their enemies from a distance without having to manage their pets, the Marksman soul is calling. Along with their own version of Exotic Munitions, Marksman utilize combo point builders and finishers to quickly dole out a barrage of arrows with powerful crits.


Through the shadow and flames the Nightblade is a melee Rogue who draws from the planes of fire and death to deal massive amounts of non-physical damage. Nightblades are the bastard children of a Warlock, Fire Mage, and a Rogue. Powerful crits, burning DoT effects, piercing shadow abilities, and even draining the target of essential powers are just the beginning of the Nightblade's toolkit. Assassination Rogues, Enhancement Shaman, and Unholy Death Knights may enjoy the Nightblade.


Assassination Rogues and Subtlety Rogues, welcome home. On top of the heavy burst opening damage that Subtlety Rogues have been use to, they can maintain their damage with the variety of bleeds and poisons at their disposal. Accompanying their poisons and bleeds they also have a Vanish, Charge, and Shadow Dance to ensure they're never out of their element or out matched.


For those truly dedicated to the Combat Rogue spec, here you go. The Bladedancer is the rhythmic brother to the Combat Rogue. Though more involved than the Combat Rogue, the Bladedancer has multiple finishers that inflict damage, increase crit chance, or even heal the Rogue. They also come with a set of attacks that can only be activated after a primary strike has been used, once used they are deactivated until said primary strike is used again. Bladedancers are also powerful in AoE situations, with a channeled AoE and an AoE finisher they are never left wanting for more kills.

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