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Similar to a Protection Paladin in Warcraft, the Paladin soul is a tank dedicated to damage mitigation and even minor self healing. The Paladin uses a one-handed weapon and a shield. This soul comes with a single target stun, an AoE stun, and a Lay of Hands ability. The Paladin also has a variety of reactionary abilities. These abilities have their own set of cooldowns as well.

The Warrior











Whether the Warrior is holding the front lines, imbuing their weapons with the powers of the planes, unleashing devastating plagues, or healing through flexing the Warrior brings unique play styles to the front of the pack.


Armor - Plate

Weapons - Shields, One-handers, Two-handers, Guns, Bows

Primary Resource - Power

Secondary Resource - Attack Points

Primary Stat - Strength

Roles - Tank (two souls), Heals (one soul), Support (one soul), DPS (six souls)


Specs that might enjoy the Warrior:

Protection Warrior

Arms Warrior

Fury Warrior

Protection Paladin

Retribution Paladin

Holy Paladin

Unholy Death Knight

Elemental Shaman

Enhancement Shaman

Beast Mastery Hunters

Feral Druid

Restoration Druid

Combat Rogue

Subtlety Rogue

Affliction Warlock

Void Knight

Formerly known as the Mage killer, the Void Knight is a air based tank who takes magical essence, friendly or hostile, and creates a third resource known as packs. Packs are used to enhance the Void Knight's abilities. They also come with a set of abilities that pulls enemies to their location, cleanse their allies, remove buffs from hostiles, and even summon a tempest to annihilate their enemies. Not all souls translate well into Azerothian terms, the Void Knight is one of those. They are a sword and shield tank as well as the Paladin but play very differently. If you are ever interested in tanking as a Warrior, the Void Knight is always a solid choice.


Ever wonder what would happen if a Holy Paladin ever got together with a Restoration Druid? What their child would heal as? It would be the Liberator. Having bound powers of the plane of earth to their bodies, the Liberator heals by flexing. The Liberator is a Warrior healer that utilizes a set of HoT abilities with a ton of group healing and channeled abilities. The Liberator is an incredibly fun healing soul that is only available with the Dream Souls pack sold on the in-game store.


Melee Hunters, your wish has been granted. The Beastmaster is a soul who fights side by side with their primal companion on the front lines. They have a symbiotic relationship with their primal companion drawing health and strength from each other. While the Beastmaster manages a set of bleed effects on their enemies, the Beastmaster is a support soul who focuses on buffing their allies, debuffing hostile mobs, and increasing healing output within their group. They also have the Ascended version of Blood Lust/ Heroism. Unlike Hunters, they do not need everything with stats.


Enjoy watching your enemies flesh rot and decay as you command the forces of death? The Reaver is your new home. The Reaver is a DPS soul that focuses on DoT abilities. They also have an ability that allows their plagues to spread to nearby hostile mobs while they use their Blink to reach their next target. They manage self healing through their DoT effects that heal the reaver based on damage done. Unholy Death Knight and Affliction Warlocks both will enjoy this soul.


The Melee version of the Reaver, the Champion is a soul who aims to decimate everyone remotely close to them. Similar to stances, the Champion enhances themselves with Bearings increasing their combat effectiveness. If you've ever enjoyed a Fury or Arms Warrior you'll enjoy the Champion.


Standing toe to toe with your enemy while you cut them to pieces more your speed? The Paragon is the duelist of the souls. With a heavy emphasis on single target abilities, the Paragon is capable of powerful burst damage. The Paragon also has follow up attacks for a quick one two punch. The follow up abilities can also be modified by talent choices to grant more attack points, more damage, or a bleed. The Paragon Execute ability is also a follow up attack. The Paragon is capable of doing ranged damage, though their ranged damage is tied to a cooldown. Combat Rogues and Arms Warriors would enjoy this soul.


Ever thought the idea of the Enhancement Shaman was cool? The Riftblade draws from the planes of reality for their power. Instead of Wind, Water, Fire, Earth, Captain Planet, the Riftblade summons Air, Earth, Fire, Water, and massive storms of energy. Along with destroying the fabric of reality, Riftblade is also equipped with a set of Shadowstep abilities and even a more controlled version of Blink. The Riftblade is a close range combatant who imbues their weapons with planar energies to cut a trail of charred flesh and shattered bone through their enemies.


The Storm in a bottle, the Tempest puts Elemental Shaman to shame with their ranged abilities. Besides just Chain Lightning and Lightning Bolt, the Tempest acts as a cannon blasting away their enemies with their powerful burst damage. Along with destroying their enemies the Tempest is equipped with a stationary stealth ability, a feign death, and a ranged AoE stun. In order to access the Tempest soul, you will need to purchase the Storm Souls pack off the in-game store. 


The Warlord has one purpose, seek and destroy. Equipped with a wide variety of charges, interrupts, roots, leaps, and sprints. The Warlord is a highly mobile death machine. Utilizing their postures and burst damage, Warlord's seek to kill their target at any cost. A Warlord is also stacked with surge abilities that increase damage output or damage mitigation. Warlord's are so well experienced at combat that they can block without a shield and even use a killing blow to heal themselves. Any melee DPS specs, or anyone new to the Warrior soul will enjoy wrecking the lives of many people with the Warlord.

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