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What is this Site?

This site is dedicated to explaining Rift to Warcraft players in a manner that these players are familar with. Whether it is the class system, raiding, rifts, events, or even mounts, this site aims to provide an easier transition into Rift for those who have a background with Warcraft or any MMO styled or fashioned in that manner.


My History with Warcraft and Rift

 I am an avid Warcraft fan. I've actively played since the beginning of the original game. I've played all of the expansions, I've been a heroic (now mythic) raider, and I've been a PvP arena gladiator. I'm also an altaholic these days. My relationship with Rift is similar. I was at launch of the original game, the first expansion Storm Legion, and the second expansion Nightmare Tide. I've been a raider, PvPer, and an alt-junky. I’ve played Rift since it was in beta and I have grown to have the same passion for Rift that I have for WoW, if not a little more so with Rift. I love both games and I still play both actively as content is released for them.


Contact Me

If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or if you see that a piece of information is out of date or incorrect, please email me and let me know! You can always contact me through the official Rift forums as well.



I am not assosiated with Trion or Blizzard. All images provided by Trion

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